Monday, May 28, 2012

Digital Communication Trends- TSN

1. An example of online advertising would be all of the businesses that advertising on the side bar of websites like TSN, Facebook, Google and Yahoo.  Companies pay for advertising spots on certain websites that their target market may visit.  Another example of this would be sporting good manufactures such as Reebok, Bauer and Under Aarmour, who like to advertise on websites that sell all sorts of sporting good such as, and

2. TSN offers mobile applications on all smartphones called TSN mobile which ables the user to know scores and updates on their favourite teams and sports.  This app is also available on tablets.  They also have QR codes around the web that will link the user to the TSN website.

3. Examples of advergaming can be found on and on Facebook.  Businesses use Facebook to promote their business and by having a fun game to play that includes their product in it is all good for the company.  A really good example of this would be logo games on Facebook and apps.  In the game you need to put a companies logo to the companies name.

4. TSN uses social media to help promote their business.  They have both a Facebook page and a Twitter page which promotes their business.  Also, all of the broadcasters on TSN have their own Twitter accounts where they post updates in the sporting world, usually linked in with TSN.

5. Every year TSN does a Kraft Celebration Tour which in when they have a contest and people vote to have their town host a live TSN broadcast.  They do ten different town in ten days and it is the most watched TSN shows of the year.  Each town chosen gets a $25,000 donation from Kraft to help rebuild or renovate current sport facilities in the area.

6. There are many compnaies all over who use viral marketing to gain their busines popularity by using humor.  Here is an example of Viral Marketing from Geico:

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